Thursday 24 March 2011

6am is too early to says so in the Bible.

...and Jeff said unto God: "This is bullshit! What kind of time do you call this?!" 
God replied : "Bro, if you don't get up now you won't train at all today"
Jeff replied:  "Nuh uh, I totally worked out last night, jeez I think my eyes are stuck shut"
God said: "Buddy quit your whining, wash your face and go train like a Boss"
"Dude, seriously after work I promise, just let me sleep" Jeff complained
"Right, like how you promised you would have salad for lunch yesterday and you stuffed your face with a Nutella sandwich, "'cause its got energy in it"" God was getting a little angry now
"OK I'll do you a deal give me 5 more minutes and I'll get up"
"Up bitch! And do you pilates for fatties!!" ( I may be paraphrasing now)

Yadda yadda yadda, Jeff did Yoga in his PJ's at 6:15am. The weight loss continues.


Monday 21 March 2011

Pilates for fatties

Ok, well yoga for fatties but you get the picture.
This weekend marked the end of week one of the transformation and it went better than expected. To complete the week rather that continue with the regular schedule of alternate days of boxing and running I decided to try yoga.
This DVD was produced by the Biggest Loser people and is instructed by the people from the show. Let it be known the last time I tried yoga i was off work for two days so I was a little nervous this time. 30 minutes later and I felt like my whole body had be put through a mangle. However, the next day I was exhausted but not sore which was a relief.
So I figure since its only 35 mins a day I can do it in the morning at and it to my regular schedule, maybe it will cut down on the pain I go through after boxing.

P.S. My skipping rope broke and I'll be damned if I can find one anywhere. Add a comment if you know where I can get one. Thanks.

Monday 14 March 2011

60 seconds into my 10 minute run and i realize...

...that this is going to suck!!
5 minutes in and my lungs are screaming at me and stamping there feet like a petulant child "NO NO!!".
7 and a half minutes and a little nine year old skips past "Hi!" she says. Screw you, you little cow, I don't say. But if she was telepathic she felt my wrath!
10 mins and I'm not home, apparently i can't pace myself for 5 mins each way. I think my lungs are going to explode
10 minutes 20 seconds I stumble home, face red as a well smacked ass and legs giving way. I fall through the door and gasp "I did it". My step daughter looks up from the T.V. "good now you have to do 4 rounds on the heavy bag"
Kill me

Sunday 13 March 2011

The last first day

So many times I've started to get fit. Some of these have been successful for the short term, all have ended up back at square one. Yesterday was the last time I start again.

It hurt. I was exhausted afterwards and I feel like hell today, but i know if i keep it up it'll get better. I've posted a picture of me after a fight a year ago and i don't look much better today (even without a fight). Gimme a few months and I'll show you what hard work can achieve.


P.S. For those that care, I alternated between shadow boxing and skipping for 8 rounds of 3 mins. Then 6 rounds of heavy bag work. Today I'm watching Rocky with my 7 year old son and going for a 10 min run.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

No More Excuses!!

I'm sick of being fat (again). This is now the third time in my 31 year existence that I have been overweight and I'm at my heaviest yet.
Only 3 years ago, I weight less that 220 could run 10K in less than 55mins and was boxing competitively, now I weight nearly 280 and at best I can run up the street to chase the garbage guys because I was late taking the bags out.
This is my blog  (A.K.A. talking to myself) to journal my weight loss and return to fitness. I hope to box again (maybe this year) and in the coming weeks I will post pictures and videos to show my progress.