Thursday 22 September 2011

Final Week: 27lbs lost in 10 weeks, the war continues

Bodyweight: 236.5lb "BodyFat": 32.1

I called the Royal Society today to confirm that indeed the laws of thermodynamics are intact. Eat less and move more is the key for Fattie to Fittie and it works.

My fattie-to-fittie plan works for me because I don't have to suffer while I lose weigh (except the rough sparring sessions). I have regularly "broken diet", enjoyed alcohol and did not exercise everyday. However, the old habit of rarely exercising  is broken and 4-5 days a week I work out. The cheat days are now weekly not daily and only for one meal. In fact, today as a celebration I ordered the "fat bastard burger" (I'm not making this up) and I still hope to lose weight by next week. You can too.

Fight night is only 3 weeks away and if you are in the Niagara area I hope to see you there to support a fantastic coach. Then the new challenge starts, reach 200lb by February 2012 and run 10km. This I expect will be much tougher with muscle gain versus fat loss coming in to play. So, I have decided to get a quality pair of fat calipers to track the fat loss. Thanks for all the support and look forward to more updates.

Till next week

Thursday 15 September 2011

Week 9: Fattie runs for 30 mins, covers 5.3Km

Bodyweight: 240.0lb "BodyFat": 33.0

The owner of a running store in St. Catharines once told me that running is 10% Physical and 90% Mental.  His numbers may be a little off but the theory is sound. Getting from 10 mins to 20 mins took months, but going from 20 mins to 30 mins took 2 weeks. Increasing my runs by 2mins every couple of weeks, made it mentally easier but the jump to 25 and then 30 was pure gut instinct. "If I can do an hour's training at the boxing club, I can jog for 30 mins". So I say ditch the harsh leveling up of Couch to 5K and use the mentally easier 2 minute increments

Weight loss was however a struggle this week, even with the 2lbs gone by the end of the week, it fluctuated almost every day. Looks like I'm headed for the dreaded plateau.  With the 10 week challenge over soon, I will be making a new challenge. All ideas welcome but I'm thinking reduce body fat and increase running time for a start.

Check out the blog next week for the final weigh in of the 10 week challenge.


Thursday 8 September 2011

Week 8: Salt, Fat and just saying no. Nancy Reagan would be proud

Bodyweight: 242.5lb "BodyFat": 33.9

Sushi, Pho, Curry, Pasta and a lazy weekend should only have spell doomed for this week. But as you can see things aren't as bad as they seem, though I would be surprised if this trend continued to next week. The demon salt as opposed to fat and sugar took an evil toll shortly after the last post and It took most of the week to normalize my water weight.

However, I consider this a minor accomplishment given reducing water weight requires only potasium, some exercise and ironically a lot of water! Not over eating during excurions away from home was a much harder ordeal. How could one resist the allure of a boat load of British style curry? Or not say no to a second portion when at a pasta buffet? It is easy to justify the extended eating as pleasing company or justifying money spent. However, just as those reasons are a personal mentality  so are the counter arguments

So, I reversed my old fattie reasoning and turned it into weight loss reasoning. "Surely my friends will be proud and admire me more with trimmer physique than if i were to take their second portion", "I may have paid for all I can eat, but I will feel richer without a sore belly and the inevitable self loathing". It worked and as such I am also learning how to eat happily (i.e. without the eternal submission to rabbit food) while maintaining a healthy weight.

So I raise a glass, of water, to a healthier lifestyle (with a weekly indulgence)

Till next week

Friday 2 September 2011

Week 7: Pizza won't make you gain weight, fact!

Bodyweight: 245lb "BodyFat": 34.2

I took a trip to FanEx on Sunday, which, having never been before seems to be Canada's largest gathering of virgins and people that think charging $30 for an autograph is acceptable. What I find incredulous by the overly offensive odour coming from the pot marked-asthma-inhalered attendees was, that with all the free comics, games and candy being given out that no one was giving out samples of deodorant. Right Guard could make a killing there.

That being said the only food stuffs on offer was pizza which I grudgingly accepted and consumed in copious amounts. So how in the hell did I drop 4 pounds? Because half a pizza doesn't kill weight loss just like full fat salad dressing doesn't make you gain weight. It's when you eat the salad with a cheeseburger EVERY DAY and use  pizza as desert for a pasta dinner that things go bad!!

So adding a thousand calorie meal to my week when I spar twice and work out the rest of the week does nothing noticeable. So with that out of the way I think It's safe to say that the 10 week fattie challenge is going well.

Till next week