Monday 19 March 2012

Rushfit Week 2 complete: 2 weeks late (blame the chest infection)

Right after week one was complete my lungs were assaulted by some viral lout who wanted to take up residence in my alveoli. After two weeks of coughing, spluttering and intense negotiations with the Vascular Tenants Board, I was able to continue with the program, albeit in a weakened state.

One thing I will say about Rushfit is that sometimes it can feel repetitive. This is mostly because of the same warm up and cool down video being used for each work out. I really don't need to here how the warm up is " a multifaceted warm up blah blah blah" every single day, just do it. Another downside is the lack of intensity by GSP and the coach Erik Owings. I expected lots of encouragement and pushing through the tough stages, but Owings sounds calm and passive most of the time and GSP rarely gets things heated up. Sometimes GSP does get pumped about reaching the end off the round or workout and he is a really good motivator but it's not done enough.

That being said, the work outs are excellent. They are well paced and build up in difficulty through each round. As I said before some of the moves (especially in the ab work out) are damn hard, but I found this week I was getting better at them and may actually be able to complete them by the end of the program.

Till next week

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